Popular Social Issues of 2018

In this poll for the most popular social issues of 2018 on the website called ISIDEWITH, I picked the topic of Abortion, Pro-life or Pro-choice. Throughout the United States, the vote came down to 38% for Pro-life, and 62% Pro-choice. The 32 percent that had chose Pro-life, 31% chose Pro-life without any exceptions, and the other 6% chose Pro-life, but would allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother and the child. The 62% that chose Pro-choice had 52 percent for only Pro-choice, 4 percent that think that the government has no right to ban abortions, another 4 percent choosing Pro-choice but having women be provided with Birth control, sex education, and more social services to help reduce the amount of abortions. The final vote had 2% on it, which said that they were Pro-Choice but it should be banned after the first three months of the pregnancy. In most of the states, the votes for Pro-Life had a majority in the late 20s and mid 30s, where as the pro-choice had a majority of votes between late 50s to the early 60s. Reading the comments, Both opinions cannot rule out, as people see fetuses as humans, and the others think it’s the mother’s choice if she wants to be pregnant or not; since it’s her body.